Monday, September 8, 2014

The First Day of School!

The First Day of School

As the doors open for the first day of school, students shuffle in eager to learn. The children all line up near their classrooms awaiting the sound of the morning bell. The teachers have taken their time setting up their classrooms just right for the arrival of their new students. In my classroom, the desks are labeled with each students name and the bulletin boards are bright and colorful waiting to be filled with students work. When the morning bell echoes through the hall, the children make a dash for their classroom doors. The day is about to begin, another school year that will be filled with learning, laughter, and excitement!

Shuffle (verb)- to move or walk without lifting feet
Eager (adjective)- anxious and ready
Arrival (noun)- to come to a place
Echoes (verb)- noise that carries on
Dash (verb)- to move quickly
Excitement (noun)- feeling of happiness

Vocabulary Cloze Activity

1.) Sometimes in the morning when I am tired I tend to ________________ out the door.

2.) When I heard the announcement that the store would be closing in five minutes I had to ____________ over to the checkout line before they closed.

3.) My voice ___________ down the long hallway.

4.) The little girl was ____________ to start her first day of school.

5.) You could see the _________________ in the students eyes when the teacher mentioned they would be learning about the animals in the rain forest.

6.) The students waited patiently for the ____________ of their teacher.

Grammar Point: Adjectives describe or modify a noun or a pronoun. The adjective eager in my story describes how the students felt about school beginning.

Write four of your own sentences including at least one adjective in each sentence. Circle the adjective and underline the noun that it is describing or modifying.