Monday, November 10, 2014

Summer Camp

Over the summer I worked at MapleWood Day Camp. This was my first year as a group leader. I had worked their in past summers but never as a group leader. I was assigned twenty five five and six year old boys. Camp was filled with all sorts of activities. There was incredible edibles where the kids got to create something and then eat it. There was rocket ship playground, arts and crafts, sports, mad science, drama, and much more. Then even had a carnival for the children. I loved working at the camp over the summer. It was an exciting and rewarding experience.

assigned (verb)- given 
filled (verb)- full of
activities (noun)- things to do
carnival (noun)- games and rides 
rewarding ( adjective)- gives you a feeling of happiness
experience ( noun)- something you do 


Write your own definition of each vocabulary word.

1.) assigned
2.) filled
3.) activities
4.) carnival
5.) rewarding
6.) experience

Grammar Point:  How was your summer? Did you experience anything new? Write  and tell me what you did over the summer using two adjectives, two nouns, and two verbs. 

Christmas Time

December is right around the corner and that means so is Christmas! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love putting up my tree and taking out the boxes of ornaments to decorate. This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I enjoy going shopping for all of my family and wrapping their presents one by one. As I wrap them I imagine the joy the gift will bring them. Most of all I love having Christmas dinner with all of my loved ones.  It is a wonderful time of year!

Ornaments (noun)- decorations that hang on a tree
Decorate (verb)- to make something fancy
Shopping (verb)- to go out and buy items
wrapping (verb)- to cover a gift with decorative paper
Imagine (verb)- think of
Wonderful (adjective)- nice, lovely


Sort the vocabulary words into the correct column.

Nouns                Verbs                   Adjectives

Grammar Point: Verbs tell us what the subject of the sentence is doing or feeling. For example wrapping in my blog tell us that I love wrapping gifts for my family. The action verb is wrapping.
Think of something you love to do and write a sentence about it using an action verb. 

My Dog Fluffy

When I was younger I had a toy poodle named Fluffy. I got Fluffy as a present when I was only 10 years old. He was so tiny, fragile, and white. He quickly became my best friend. We spent all of our free time together. I would walk him and feed him every day. Everyone in my family loved Fluffy. He was a special dog unlike any other dog I had ever met. He always greeted me when I would come home from school. He waited patiently to be walked and fed every day. He had his very own spot in our hearts and he could never be replaced.

Present (noun)-something given to someone, usually on a special occasion
tiny (adjective)- small, not large in size
Fragile (adjective)- very delicate, feels like it can easily be broken.
Quickly (adverb)- fast, happened suddenly
Patiently (adverb)- waiting calmly
replaced (verb)- something else is in place of


Write a sentence for each vocabulary word.

1.) present

2.) tiny

3.) fragile

4.) quickly

5.) patiently

6.) replaced

Grammar Point: Adjectives are describing words. For example in my blog I used the adjectives tiny, fragile, and white to describe my dog. Think of three adjectives to describe something in your house.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Trick or Treat!

Halloween is a time for children to dress up in their favorite costume and go door to door looking for sweet treats! Ever since my nieces were born I have enjoyed going trick or treating again. I remember as I got older Halloween seem to become less exciting until my nieces arrived! I was able to dress them up and take part in their travels from door to door. Just seeing their excitement made me remember why I had once enjoyed this holiday so much.


costume (noun)- an outfit that you dress up in
treats (noun) - something you enjoy eating
trick or treating ( noun)- a tradition of going door to door for candy
travels ( verb)- to go from one place to another
excitement (noun)- a feeling of joy and happiness
holiday ( noun)- a day that you celebrate

Fill in the missing letters to form a vocabulary word that matches the hint

H_ _ _ _ _ _ ( a day to enjoy yourself with family and friends)

_ x_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a happy feeling)

T_ _ _ _   o_   T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a tradition of going house to house for candy)

_ _ _ v_ _ _ ( going from place to place)

_r_ _ _ _ ( yummy food)

_ _ _ t _ _ _ ( a decorative outfit worn on Halloween)

Grammar Point: Plurals are an important part of grammar. When something is plural it tells us that there is more then one. For example the plural of treat is treats there is more then one piece of candy.
Make the rest of the vocabulary words into plurals.