Monday, November 10, 2014

My Dog Fluffy

When I was younger I had a toy poodle named Fluffy. I got Fluffy as a present when I was only 10 years old. He was so tiny, fragile, and white. He quickly became my best friend. We spent all of our free time together. I would walk him and feed him every day. Everyone in my family loved Fluffy. He was a special dog unlike any other dog I had ever met. He always greeted me when I would come home from school. He waited patiently to be walked and fed every day. He had his very own spot in our hearts and he could never be replaced.

Present (noun)-something given to someone, usually on a special occasion
tiny (adjective)- small, not large in size
Fragile (adjective)- very delicate, feels like it can easily be broken.
Quickly (adverb)- fast, happened suddenly
Patiently (adverb)- waiting calmly
replaced (verb)- something else is in place of


Write a sentence for each vocabulary word.

1.) present

2.) tiny

3.) fragile

4.) quickly

5.) patiently

6.) replaced

Grammar Point: Adjectives are describing words. For example in my blog I used the adjectives tiny, fragile, and white to describe my dog. Think of three adjectives to describe something in your house.

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